Retune Digital Television

Retune Digital Television

The Freeview TV guide was updated on Wednesday, 3 September to create extra capacity for new services. As a result, Children’s and News channels moved to new number

Retune Digital Television If you haven’t already done so, retune your TV or digital box to update your guide. This only takes only a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. Some equipment may have retuned automatically.

Full retuning

Retune Digital Television

full retune should only takes a few minutes and can be done with your remote control. Here are some guidelines for how to do it, but bear in mind every model of digital TV or box will be a little bit different.

  • Make sure your Freeview TV or box is on and in digital mode, usually by pressing the DTV or digital button on your remote. Then press ‘menu’.
  • Select the ‘set up’ or ‘installation’ option. If you see picture icons, select the tool box, satellite dish or spanner. If you are prompted for a code, try 0000 or 1234.
  • Select the full retune option. This is sometimes called ‘first time installation’, ‘factory reset’, ‘default settings’ or ‘shipping conditions’. Do not select ‘channel update’ or ‘add channels’.
  • Press ‘OK’ if your equipment asks if you want to delete all your channels. Don’t worry this is normal
  • Channels will automatically be installed. This may take a few minutes and your equipment may shut down and restart
  • In some cases, where transmitter signals overlap, it may be necessary to carry out a Full retuningA full retune should only takes a few minutes and can be done with your remote control.
  • Make sure your Freeview TV or box is on and in digital mode, usually by pressing the DTV or digital button on your remote. Then press ‘menu’.
  • Select the ‘set up’ or ‘installation’ option. If you see picture icons, select the tool box, satellite dish or spanner.
  • If you are prompted for a code, try 0000 or 1234.
    Select the full retune option. This is sometimes called ‘first time installation’, ‘factory reset’, ‘default settings’ or ‘shipping conditions’.
  • Do not select ‘channel update’ or ‘add channels’.
  • Press ‘OK’ if your equipment asks if you want to delete all your channels. Don’t worry this is normal,
    Channels will automatically be installed.
  • This may take a few minutes and your equipment may shut down and restart
  • In some cases, where transmitter signals overlap, it may be necessary to carry out a manual retune.
  • Then press ‘menu’ or ‘exit’ to finish.

Manual Retune

  • Using your remote control, press the ‘menu’ button.
  • Select the ‘set up’ or ‘installation’ option. If you see picture icons, select the tool box, satellite dish or spanner.
  • Select ‘manual retune’ or ‘manual search’.
  • If you are prompted for a code, try 0000 or 1234.
  • For BBC A type in 50 where it asks for a ‘channel’ number (frequency) and press OK.
  • Repeat steps 1-5 using the different numbers next to each group
    (a group is a bundle of TV services), to complete the manual retune. D3&4: 59, BBC B HD: 54, SDN: 58, ARQ A: 49, ARQ B: 55, COM7 HD: 31, L-LIV: 56
  • Then press ‘menu’ or ‘exit’ to finish.

NB: These instructions should work for most Freeview TVs or boxes, but they differ, and you may have to speak to your manufacturer for help. Or contact us at A4 Digital

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